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Brick Walls

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import wixData from 'wix-data'; import wixCRM from 'wix-crm-backend'; $w.onReady(function () { $w('#submitBtn').onClick(function () { const signatureValue = $w('#signatureInput').value; const pageTitle = $w('#pageTitle').text; // Assuming you have an element with an ID 'pageTitle' to capture the page title. // Submit to Wix CRM wixCRM.createContact({ "emails": [{ "tag": "work", "email": "" }], // Replace with the desired email address "name": "Signature Submission", "contactInfo": { "Signature": signatureValue, "Page Title": pageTitle }, "allowDuplicates": false }) .then((contactId) => { sendEmailWithSignature(signatureValue, pageTitle); $w('#successMessage').show(); // Assuming you have an element with an ID 'successMessage' to show a success message after submission. $w('#signatureInput').disable(); // Disable the signature input after submission. }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error creating contact: ', error); // Handle error if necessary. }); }); }); function sendEmailWithSignature(signatureValue, pageTitle) { const subject = 'New Signature Submission'; const body = `Signature: ${signatureValue}\nPage Title: ${pageTitle}`; wixCRM.emailContact('', { "subject": subject, "body": body }) .then(() => { // Email sent successfully, do any additional actions if needed. // For example, display a success message or redirect to another page. }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error sending email: ', error); // Handle error if necessary. }); }