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Office: 876-820-3453

Proof of payment should be sent to business WhatsApp 876-820-3453

Interest due per day / overdue charge: $100 per day for up to 12 months.

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Nu-Tech SupremeTechnology & Repairs reserves the right to repossess any product or electronic device that has an outstanding balance due and is liable to be sold to settle the expenses. ALL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS ARE FINAL, WITH NO REFUND.

I the customer understand clearly the information stated above and that the incurred interest amount will be calculated up to the final day in court proceeding if Nu-Tech Supreme takes legal action, the customer also agrees to have their pictures used to locate them to settle outstanding balances owed to Nu-Tech Supreme.

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import wixData from 'wix-data'; import wixCRM from 'wix-crm-backend'; $w.onReady(function () { $w('#submitBtn').onClick(function () { const signatureValue = $w('#signatureInput').value; const pageTitle = $w('#pageTitle').text; // Assuming you have an element with an ID 'pageTitle' to capture the page title. // Submit to Wix CRM wixCRM.createContact({ "emails": [{ "tag": "work", "email": "" }], // Replace with the desired email address "name": "Signature Submission", "contactInfo": { "Signature": signatureValue, "Page Title": pageTitle }, "allowDuplicates": false }) .then((contactId) => { sendEmailWithSignature(signatureValue, pageTitle); $w('#successMessage').show(); // Assuming you have an element with an ID 'successMessage' to show a success message after submission. $w('#signatureInput').disable(); // Disable the signature input after submission. }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error creating contact: ', error); // Handle error if necessary. }); }); }); function sendEmailWithSignature(signatureValue, pageTitle) { const subject = 'New Signature Submission'; const body = `Signature: ${signatureValue}\nPage Title: ${pageTitle}`; wixCRM.emailContact('', { "subject": subject, "body": body }) .then(() => { // Email sent successfully, do any additional actions if needed. // For example, display a success message or redirect to another page. }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error sending email: ', error); // Handle error if necessary. }); }